Along with knitting, we went to a few local yarn shops in Toronto. One was Lettuce Knit near Spadina and College. It was a tiny shop, but very cute and had a lot of yarn. A few of the patterns had been knitted and were on display. It was nice to see the finished projects. My mom really liked a shawl that was on display and bought the pattern and yarn for it. My cousin found a Debbie Bliss magazine that she had been looking for.
The next store that we went to was Romni Wool, near Queen and Bathurst. That store was huge! One wall had shelves filled with knitting magazines and books, plus there was a ton of yarn. If you ever get the chance to go, make sure to check out the basement, where they have discontinued yarns on sale. My cousin found some lovely wool in the basement sale section and quickly snatched it up. As for myself, I couldn't quite decide on what to get because there was so much to choose from. I will definitely have to make a trip back there ... once I have a pattern in mind and know how much I need to buy.
Here are a few of the things that my mom and I knitted. My favourite is the blue scarf - it has a very lacy look to it that I just love!

If you would like to see the patterns and instructions for the projects that my mom and I did, you can find them on my website – Beautiful Creations Knitting Projects. What projects have you knitted lately?
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